If You Think Your Organization is Safe, Think Again


Each year October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so over the course of the month we asked our team to provide a few words to the wise about cyber risks, hygiene, and trends. As each of our experts comes from their own professional area of expertise, each of them provided unique detail and perspective. Now that we’ve moved into November, we’ve compiled the quotes here so they can live on:

Moty Kanias, VP of Cyber Strategy & Alliances:

“A breach of privacy is hardly all you have to worry about when hit with a cyber-attack. Cyber criminals nowadays can do much more than snoop around personal information. They can falsify your personal credit history, use your information for a shopping spree, use your accounts to cover tracks for other illicit behavior, and even inject your personal data into crime scene forensics. Stay alert and carefully manage all your cyber interactions.”

Sagi Berco, VP of Research & Development:

“If you think your organization is safe, think again. Though hackers’ motivations can include financial or geopolitical gain, personal grudges, or amusement, many opportunistic hackers don’t need a reason; they just need an opening or an excuse. Even social media commentary on current events could prompt an attack, as we’ve seen that individuals speaking out against Russia’s actions in Ukraine is enough to invite a ransomware attack on their company. So, whether you’re a large enterprise, a small company, or a private person – you’re at risk of a cyber-attack.”

David Stroud, Head of Europe & APAC: 

Many ICS/OT attacks go undiscovered because cyber specialists that search and track cyber incidents are typically not present at the factory and production line level. Production line malfunction incidents that have actually originated from cyber incidents are therefore frequently treated as operational / technical problems. This incorrect diagnosis leads to insufficient solutions. Proper security solutions can only come from strengthening relationships between operations and cyber security teams within an organization, and the adoption of zero trust strategies that prevent unauthorized access to critical data.”

Nitzan Daube, CTO:

The manufacturing world is connecting everything in order to empower productivity and efficiency, and this shift into Industry 4.0 has essentially erased the concept of standalone, isolated OT networks. To keep pace, industrial companies must realign their security posture to the central premise that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, and no one can be trusted implicitly.

Vladimir Rizberg, Global Business Development Lead:

“Cybersecurity incidents happen to everyone eventually, including utilities. Taking action to prepare for and preempt these incidents with zero trust principles down to the device will dramatically lower your risk – and likely your cybersecurity insurance premiums too.”